Customer Value: Narrowcasting vs. Broadcasting

Virtually every brand we’ve met with in the last few months is hungry for new customers, the war for the customer is on. For more on growing your customer base, consider reading “Bigger is Better, How to Scale Up Customer Acquisition Smarter” an article we published...

Channel Collaboration or Web Cannibalization?

Working with multi-channel retail organizations, we’ve experienced the frequent concern that online is competing with, or “cannibalizing” retail sales. It seems like a reasonable problem for those responsible for the P&L of the retail business to consider, same...

The Good and The Bad of Customer Testimonials

Few things put customers as at-ease with using a brand as a testimonial from another customer. Some studies peg the boost to conversion rates at as high as 200%, though most caution that a 25-50% increase is more likely. With these kinds of numbers, marketers should...

Increase Engagement Effectively with Rich Ads in Search

Leverage your brand name with Yahoo’s Rich Ads in Search (RAIS) served on both and Currently, RAIS are only available using exact match, exclusively for brand terms. These ads appear in the first position only at the top of the SERP...