How to Get Ready for Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and one of the most pressing concerns for website owners and developers is the performance of their websites. In an age where users demand lightning-fast loading times and seamless interactions, web performance metrics like “Interaction to Next Paint” (INP) have taken center stage. INP, part of Google’s Core Web Vitals, measures the time it takes for a website to become interactive for users after the initial page load. In this article, we will explore what INP is, its impact on SEO, and strategies to prepare and optimize for it.

What is INP?

INP, short for Interaction to Next Paint, is a user-centric web performance metric that gauges the time it takes for a web page to become interactive after the initial page load. In simpler terms, it measures how long it takes for users to be able to click buttons, interact with elements, or perform actions on a webpage.

Measuring INP

Measuring INP can be a bit complex, as it depends on various factors and user interactions. It’s often measured using JavaScript event listeners to detect when the page is ready for interaction. Google’s Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights tools provide valuable insights into a webpage’s INP. Keep in mind that INP can vary based on different interactions, making it a dynamic metric.

User-Centric Nature

INP is a user-centric metric, which means it focuses on how users perceive and interact with your website. When users encounter delays in interactivity, it can lead to frustration, higher bounce rates, and decreased engagement. In contrast, faster INP times lead to a smoother user experience and increased user satisfaction.

The Relationship Between INP and SEO

Google’s Emphasis on Web Performance

Google, the leading search engine, has been increasingly emphasizing web performance as a ranking factor. They introduced Core Web Vitals, a set of metrics that includes INP, to assess the user experience on websites. Websites that perform well in terms of web vitals are more likely to rank higher in search results.

User Experience and SEO

Poor INP can have a direct impact on your website’s SEO. When users encounter delays in interaction, they are more likely to abandon your site in favor of a faster-loading competitor. High bounce rates and low dwell times signal to search engines that your content might not be as valuable as it could be. Google recognizes the importance of delivering a positive user experience and uses web performance metrics like INP to reward websites that prioritize it.

Website Rankings

It’s essential to note that INP is just one of several factors that affect your website’s ranking. However, as Google’s algorithms continue to evolve, user experience is becoming an increasingly influential ranking factor. Optimizing for INP can give your site an edge in the competitive world of SEO.

Preparing for INP Optimization

Identifying INP Issues

To prepare for INP optimization, it’s crucial to identify issues that might be affecting your website’s interactivity. Common culprits include large JavaScript files, third-party scripts, and render-blocking resources. You can use various web development tools to uncover these issues and understand how they impact INP.

Progressive Rendering and Lazy Loading

Progressive rendering and lazy loading are two techniques that can significantly impact your INP. Progressive rendering involves displaying content as it loads, providing users with a sense of progress. Lazy loading, on the other hand, defers the loading of non-essential resources until they are needed, reducing the initial load time.

INP Optimization Strategies

Optimizing JavaScript and CSS Delivery

Efficiently delivering JavaScript and CSS resources is critical for INP optimization. Techniques such as code splitting, minification, and asynchronous loading can help reduce the time it takes for these essential elements to load.

Reducing Third-Party Scripts

Third-party scripts, such as advertising code and social media widgets, can significantly impact INP. Consider reducing or eliminating unnecessary third-party scripts that add bloat to your website.

Server and Client-Side Rendering

The rendering process can affect your website’s INP. By optimizing server and client-side rendering, you can improve how quickly your content becomes interactive for users.

Content Delivery and INP

Optimizing Media Content

Images, videos, and other media content can have a considerable impact on INP. Compressing and delivering these resources efficiently is crucial for a fast-loading website. Content delivery networks (CDNs) can also help distribute media content geographically, reducing latency.

Measuring and Monitoring INP

INP Measurement Tools

To track and monitor your INP, you can use tools like Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, and the Chrome User Experience Report. Regularly measuring INP and other web vitals is essential for staying on top of your website’s performance.

User Feedback and INP

User feedback is another valuable resource for understanding how your website’s INP is perceived. Encourage users to provide feedback and pay attention to any comments or complaints related to slow interactivity. User feedback can guide your optimization efforts.

INP Optimization Case Studies and Examples

Real-World INP Success Stories

While the Interaction to Next Paint (INP) hasn’t been officially rolled out yet, Endai is at the forefront, actively working with current clients to ensure they are well-prepared ahead of the anticipated rollout next year. Our commitment to optimizing INP and delivering exceptional user experiences is setting the stage for a winning performance in 2024.

Conclusion – Get Ahead of the Curve with Endai

While the INP update is on the horizon for 2024, Endai is actively partnering with clients to ensure they are well-prepared for this forthcoming change. Our proactive approach to INP optimization and commitment to delivering winning user experiences is a testament to our dedication to your brand’s success.

If you want help optimizing and preparing for INP, reach out to our team today. We would love to collaborate with your brand in 2024 to create a winning case study that showcases your commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences. Be ready for the INP rollout, stay ahead of the competition, and embrace a future of web performance excellence with Endai.