We generate QUALIFIED LEADS & sales in any environment for more than 2 decades.
Field proven results and an
unmatched track record in hospitality.

After substantial investment, client saw poor organic performance from pricey, science based, expert content.
Implemented Endai’s PlayBook Engineered Authority Content Strategy
“Engineered Authority Content” which is a deeply researched, specification. EAC’s are not “directional” ―rather they are evidence driven, obsessively structured for a specific competitive set we expect to outperform to achieve the client goal.

How can they guide prospects down the sales funnel in a scalable manner that doesn’t rely on an ever-increasing number of expensive sales team members?
Midmark was facing this problem for their new product. The innovative device had a complicated sales cycle, since it encompassed a product and a service. Endai engineered a focused search engine optimization campaign and changes to their website to increase conversions. Following these changes, prospects were entering the funnel faster than Midmark’s sales team could effectively respond to and educate.
Endai’s strategy to focus on behavior ensured that every email sent to a lead was of the highest possible relevance, much more so than in traditional batch-and-blast techniques, and built upon multiple fundamentals of email marketing (segmentation, behavioral analytics, learning theory and engagement analysis) that created a whole that was more powerful than the sum of its parts.

We generate cost effective qualified leads for healthcare manufacturers.
Google changes constantly leaving companies whose core business is not search engine marketing, scrambling to keep up and continually missing opportunities.
Decision makers are hammered with unsolicited emails, offers, search results and loyalty doesn’t come easy with unlimited choices a click or a tap away. We solved this problem with 121 person years of healthcare experience and new technology that knows who to communicate with when, what to say and when to give them a break. This is especially important when timing and every touch matter in the B2B decision making process.
Your concerned about COVID-19, so are we. Healthcare is in the epicenter, talk to us, because we have answers on what you should be doing now.
Grow your qualified leads, grow your sales
Meet us today, if you’re like any of our customers,
you’ll be pleased that you did