The Connection of a Lifetime

Endai equips Lifetime TV with a robust, customized analytical tool fueled by Google Analytics.

Tricks of the trade

Lifetime TV’s analytics division contacted Endai for training in Google Analytics, a web analytical tool that’s as complex as it is robust. Lifetime’s business division had tasked the analytics division with creating reports on specific user-related events on the cable network’s B2B affiliate website,, but such reporting was outside the division’s realm of expertise.

A unique problem demands a unique solution

Endai was one of several companies contacted by Lifetime TV in its search for an analytic solution. The challenge was formidable – an Analytics solution was needed that would allow for user-level tracking behind a secure server. Endai went into problem-solving mode and developed a one-of-a-kind solution that convinced Lifetime TV Endai was the right choice for the job.

Enter the Endai PlayBook

Using the Endai PlayBook, we created an analytical solution for Lifetime TV that allows the network to use Google Analytics to report on user level data. Endai developed and provided Lifetime TV a custom code that was added to the Google cookie. This code enabled the Analytics division to get the necessary reporting capabilities, including the ability to segment data by region, company or user position, or by individual user. A customized tool was necessary, as the out-of-box solution does not offer what Lifetime TV needed.

Mission accomplished

As a result of Endai’s work with Lifetime TV, the company’s analytics division is able to create the reports required by the business group. These reports are used to make real-time decisions on what programming is most valuable, which types of advertising are most effective in specific markets, and who the most active users of the website are. While Endai trained the Analytics team on the use of Google Analytics, we remain a general consultant for Lifetime TV, making ourselves available when they come across a question for which they have no answer.


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